
Understanding sports

Thomas Fletcher and Kevin Hylton (Leeds Beckett): "Race", Whiteness and Sport. Jakub Cerveny, Jan C. van Ours, and Martin van Tuijl (Tilburg): Effects of a Red Card on Goal-Scoring in World Cup Football Matches. Josephine R. Potuto (Nebraska): Swinging at the Facts: How Baseball Informs Legal Argument. Here is a novel approach to investigating basketball experts' perceptions of the hot hand. Sarah Mesle and Phillip Maciak on why football is important to them, as book-ish television fans. Gregg Popovich is the NBA's most "woke" coach. One woman's quest to end the sexual assault epidemic in college football.

Germano Schwartz (FSG), Renata Almeida da Costa (Unilasalle), and Alexandre Soares Brandao Fleck (Onati): How Does Football Influence the Political System and Juridify Social Movements? Brazil, June 2013. Christopher R Matthews and Alex Channon (Brighton): Understanding Sports Violence: Revisiting Foundational Explorations. Cathy D. Lirgg and Michael D. Merrie (Arkansas) and Deborah L. Feltz (Michigan State): Self-efficacy of Sports Officials: A Critical Review of the Literature. Implicit bias and the NFL draft: Brando Simeo Starkey on how teams don't recognize how unconscious attitudes about race affect which players they select.