
Conspiracy theories of Trumpland

From Fusion, Ashley Feinberg and Anna Merlan on the conspiracy theories of Trumpland: A compleat and comprehensive bestiary. A brief list of conspiracy theories Sean Spicer would like the press to investigate instead of Russia. Masha Gessen on Russia: The conspiracy trap. How to talk about Trump and Russia without sounding like a conspiracy theorist. Why Republicans can’t find the big voter fraud conspiracy: If the last federal investigation is any guide, the answer is simple — it probably doesn’t exist. Alexandra Rosenmann on the 5 most deranged conspiracy theories from GOP mega-donors’ bizarro climate conference.

Marko Kovic and Tobias Fuchslin (Zurich): Probability and Conspiratorial Thinking. Knowledge in a conspiratorial world: Ori Freiman reviews The Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories by Matthew R. X. Dentith.