
Political philosophy roundup

Thomas J. Miles and Cass R. Sunstein (Chicago): The New Legal Realism. Torben Spaak (Uppsala): Relativism in Legal Thinking: Stanley Fish and the Concept of an Interpretive Community. Marc Hertogh (Groningen): What is Non-State Law? Mapping the Other Hemisphere of the Legal World. Annelise Riles (Cornell): The Anti-Network: Global Private Law, Legal Knowledge, and the Legitimacy of the State. Tonya L. Putnam (Columbia) and Jacob N. Shapiro (Princeton): Do Treaties Matter to Citizens Willingness to Punish Foreign Rights Abusers? Dinah Shelton (GWU): An Introduction to the History of International Human Rights Law. Jacob T. Levy (McGill): Self-Determination, Non-Domination, and Federalism. Samuel Issacharoff (NYU): Democracy and Collective Decisionmaking. David Stasavage (NYU): Polarization and Publicity: Rethinking the Benefits of Deliberative Democracy. Jessica Trounstine (Princeton): Modern Machines: Patronage, Information, and Incumbency in Local Politics. Ezequiel Lugo (Stetson): The Unfinished Business of American Democracy. John Smith (Rutgers): Reputation, Social Identity and Social Conflict. Asim Jusic (CEU): The Weimar Intellectual Baggage in Leo Strauss' Natural Right and History. Christopher Lowry (Queen's): Beyond Equality of What: Sen's Capability Approach and its Implications for Liberal Neutrality. An interview with G.A. Cohen, author of If You're An Egalitarian, How Come You're So Rich? on inequality of wealth. A review of International Law and its Others. The introduction to The Limits of Loyalty by Simon Keller.