
It’s about class

Frederick Solt, Yue Hu, Kevan Hudson, Jungmin Song, and Dong Erico Yu (Iowa): Economic Inequality and Class Consciousness. Vivek Chibber on why we still talk about the working class: Socialists focus on the working class because of our diagnosis of what’s wrong with society and our prognosis of how to fix it. Louisa Lim on how class in China became politically incorrect. Democrats should take the class warfare message to upscale suburbs: It worked for Jeremy Corbyn, and the opposite failed for Jon Ossoff. Now more than ever, Republicans are engaged in class warfare: Isn’t it time for Democrats to fight back? The first chapter from The Sum of Small Things: A Theory of the Aspirational Class by Elizabeth Currid-Halkett. Why does flying make us so angry? Science says it’s about class.