
Permission to behave

Caroline Close and Vivien Sierens (ULB): Increasing Intra-Party Democracy, Blurring the Lines of Representation? 2017 is so unexpectedly warm it is freaking out climate scientists. Trump attacks Sessions, still doesn’t know how the Justice Department works. Yes, Trump is making xenophobia more acceptable. The scientific case that America is becoming a more prejudiced place: Why watching leaders behave badly gives us permission to behave badly. Andrew Seal on the controversy over Nancy MacLean’s Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America. Robert Farley on the contribution that academic military history can make to other historical fields. Alexia Fernandez Campbell on the unexpected economic consequences of video games.

Ryan Lizza on how Trump broke the Office of Government Ethics. Walter M. Shaub Jr, the departing head of the Office of Government Ethics, says actions by President Trump and his administration had created a historic ethics crisis. Walter Shaub on how to restore government ethics in the Trump era.