
Tribes in the social sciences

From APSR, a special section on Contentious Politics in the United States: What Role for Political Scientists? Julian Go (BU) and George Lawson (LSE): For a Global Historical Sociology. Michael Smith (ASU): Social Science and Archaeological Inquiry. Lorraine Pangle (Texas): Towards a Dialogue between Socratic Philosophy and Evolutionary Psychology: Why Do We Love the Noble? Tim Di Muzio and Leonie Noble (UOW): The Coming Revolution in Political Economy: Money, Mankiw and Misguided Macroeconomics. America’s hidden philosophy: When Cold War philosophy tied rational choice theory to scientific method, it embedded the free-market mindset in US society.

From the forthcoming Annual Review of Psychology, Leif D. Nelson (UC-Berkeley) and Joseph P. Simmons and Uri Simonsohn (Penn): Psychology’s Renaissance. Rockwell Clancy (SJTU): Making the Case for Political Anthropology: Understanding and Addressing the Backlash Against Liberalism. Omar Lizardo (Notre Dame): An Analytic Approach to Culture. From the Handbook of Contemporary Sociological Theory, here is the entry on cultural theory by Omar Lizardo. Herrade Igersheim (Strasbourg): The Death of Welfare Economics: History of a Controversy. Justice Roberts says political science is “sociological gobbledygook” — here’s why he said it, and why he’s mistaken (and more).

Elizabeth Popp Berman (SUNY-Albany) and Daniel Hirschman (Brown): The Sociology of Quantification: Where Are We Now? Justin Buckley Dyer (Missouri): Political Science and American Political Thought. Bradford Tuckfield reviews The End of Theory: Financial Crises, the Failure of Economics, and the Sweep of Human Interaction by Richard Bookstaber. What does an anthropologist actually do? The state of social and personality science: Rotten to the core, not so bad, getting better, or getting worse? Lucio Baccaro on academic tribes in the social sciences.

From the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology, here is the entry on the ontological turn by Paolo Heywood. Sara C Motta (Newcastle): Latin America as Political Science’s Other. Vlad Petre Glaveanu (Webster): Psychology in the Post-Truth Era. Are the social sciences undergoing a purity spiral? Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession — this is what happened. Is anthropology ready for the 21st century? Daenerys Targaryen, here’s some advice from political science as you pursue the Iron Throne.