
About partisanship and sexual assault

As Al Franken steps down, a partisan division comes into focus. After Franken resignation, Democrats hit Trump. Now that Al Franken is gone, Democrats need to hold hearings on Trump. We need a healthier conversation about partisanship and sexual assault: Trying to put sexual assault allegations beyond partisanship is only making them more partisan. Why Democrats had to dump Franken: The party needs a clean contrast with Republicans heading into the 2018 midterms. The moral gap in American politics: The Democrats are forcing sexual harassers from their ranks — why aren’t Republicans doing the right thing, too?

Franken is leaving and Trump is still here: The incendiary rage unleashed by Trump’s election needs to be directed back at him — otherwise, only those who already advocate women’s equality will be forced to grant it. Masha Gessen on Al Franken’s resignation and the selective force of #MeToo: The cultural wave that brought down the Minnesota senator only works on half the country.