
Trump’s biggest win

From New York, Nick Tabor on 55 ways Donald Trump structurally changed America in 2017: These are the concrete actions his administration has taken to alter how the country works. These are the obscure Trump staffers who are systematically dismantling the federal government. The end of the Obama era: How Republicans undid so many of his accomplishments in a single year. Donald Trump has already carved a lasting legacy: The tax reform bill crowns a year’s worth of policies that will be difficult, perhaps even impossible, to reverse. The Trump presidency as a success story: Trump has the opportunity to solidify his position as the most successful president ever in his first year. Trump’s biggest win in 2017? His judicial confirmations.

Trump can’t believe no one’s thrown a parade in his honor. Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath. Is Trump the worst president of all time? The presidency survived the Watergate, Iran-contra and Clinton scandals — Trump will exact a higher toll.