
In large numbers

Timothy MacNeill (UOIT) and David Wozniak (Eastern Michigan): Altruistic Behavior and Ethnic Diversity: Evidence from Honduras. Gabriel Mendlow (Michigan): Why Is It Wrong To Punish Thought? US says conserving oil is no longer an economic imperative. What happened between 2010 and 2015 that suddenly caused the white working class to abandon the Democratic Party in large numbers? The populist revolt against trade liberalization is over — Trump killed it. What on earth is going on at NYU? Katha Pollitt on power in the ivory tower. Andrea Long Chu: “I worked with Avital Ronell. I believe her accuser”. Cynthia Nixon was asked a question that is straight up dangerous to democracy. “Critics warn of multimedia ‘hell’”.

“Totally dishonest”: Trump asserts only he can be trusted over opponents and “fake news”. Trump’s assault on Google: The Right is pressuring tech to be more MAGA-friendly. Please be sensitive to our snowflake president’s need for safe space. Felix Salmon on why Donald Trump Jr. dream of Facebook for conservatives would fail. Alexis Madrigal on why Google doesn’t rank right-wing outlets highly. Here’s the conversation we really need to have about bias at Google.