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From The Economist, a cover story on the invasion of the sovereign-wealth funds (and more); and a special section on corporate social responsibility. The Education of Ben Bernanke: Banks won’t lend money; oil has reached $100 a barrel; unemployment is up — what’s a Fed chief to do? A review of Art in Crisis: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Struggle for African American Identity and Memory by Amy Helene Kirschke. Alan Wolfe reviews Sellout by Randall Kennedy (and more and more). Rights vs. Rights: While the civil rights movement and the women’s movement have been philosophical allies, sharing goals and ideals, there have also been periodic collisions. Paul Starr on how the Democrats could blow it again. Beauty Secrets: When it comes to attraction, does the golden ratio still apply? Big brain theory—have cosmologists lost theirs? It could be the weirdest and most embarrassing prediction in the history of cosmology, if not science. Has AT&T lost its mind? A baffling proposal to filter the Internet. Peter Singer reviews Kwame Anthony Appiah's Experiments in Ethics. The Death Effect: Terry Teachout on the mystery of posthumous fame. These days, a number of independent bookstores have been drawing more than pity from devotees. David Held maps the pressing needs of global governance in a perilous age. And he shall be called: How do you name someone you hardly know?