
From knowledge to wisdom

From Transformations, a special issue on Walter Benjamin and the Virtual. A review of Walter Benjamin's Archive: Images, Texts, Signs. From LiveScience, a look at the truth about sensational kidney thefts. From The Hedgehog Review, a special issue on secularization, including Grace Davie (Exeter): Is Europe an Exceptional Case?; Wilson N. Brissett (Virginia): Secularization in the Global South: The Case of Ethiopia; an interview with Peter Berger; and a review of Susan Jacoby's Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism (and more). A review of Impotence: A Cultural History by Angus McLaren. James Fallows on how China’s Great Firewall is crude, slapdash, and surprisingly easy to breach — and here’s why it’s so effective anyway (and an interview). Julian Baggini reviews Violence by Slavoj Zizek. A review of From Knowledge to Wisdom: A Revolution for Science and the Humanities by Nicholas Maxwell. A review of Evil Genes: Why Rome Fell, Hitler Rose, Enron Failed, and My Sister Stole My Mother’s Boyfriend by Barbara Oakley. A review of Structures of Scientific Collaboration, by Wesley Shrum, Joel Genuth and Ivan Chompalov. From Black Agenda Report, a look at the ten worst places to be black. Neurostimulation: Is it a good idea to drill holes in people's heads to treat them for depression? An article on what to read about wine.