
The best of all games

From Cato Unbound, George Kateb on Patriotism: What's it good for? From Boston Review, Jonathan Zittrain on protecting the Internet without wrecking it: How to meet the security threat (with responses); and the best of all games: John Rawls puts philosophy to the service of baseball. Prince Valiant: Britain's Prince Harry should've stayed in Afghanistan. Inside Wall Street's Black Hole: For years, investors have relied on a complex formula to manage risk, but what happens if the Black-Scholes model is wrong—and we're in bigger trouble than ever? Group living in the nation’s capital is nothing new, and the presence of a blogger house reflects the increasing number of online pundits in the capital. From TNR, Michael Crowley on the long history of the McCain-Obama grudge; and how should liberals who admire McCain wrestle with his current positions? Bookforum talks with Jerome Charyn, author of Johnny One-Eye: A Tale of the American Revolution. From Dissent, monsters and double standards: On Samantha Power's resignation; and an article on the school for wives: On the Spitzer apology. How do you go off the record? Why Samantha Power couldn't take back her monstrous gaffe (and more). Writing books about a fast-moving presidential campaign can be risky. From TED, Craig Venter is on the verge of creating synthetic life, and Alan Kay on a powerful idea about teaching ideas.