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From The New Yorker, Patrick Radden Keefe on a government misstep in a wiretapping case; and arms and the man: What was Herodotus trying to tell us? From Mother Jones, a series of articles on the Future of Energy. From Foreign Affairs, Richard Haas on The Age of Nonpolarity: What will follow U.S. dominance; and an essay on The Price of the Surge. From Foreign Policy, a photo essay on where the world shops for guns; and with Robert Mugabe tottering after the elections in Zimbabwe, which other tyrants are quaking in their boots? From LRB, Perry Anderson on The Divisions of Cyprus; and a review of Jane Boleyn: The Infamous Lady Rochford by Julia Fox. Here Comes the Pope — and he's got a bone to pick with the modern Western world. If God is dead, who gets His house? The fastest-growing faith in America is no faith at all — and now some atheists think they need a church. The philosopher kingmaker: With one simple list, Brian Leiter is changing an entire field. From The New York Observer, what’s news? Who knows! Welcome to Print 2.0. Lauren Sanders reviews Jim Krusoe’s Girl Factory. If prediction markets are so great, why have they been so wrong lately? The glamour of Obama may be hard to resist, but could it get the country into trouble if he wins the presidency? A review of Vital Nourishment: Departing from Happiness by Francois Jullien.