
Artistic value in an era of doubt

From Der Spiegel, an article on the global food crisis and the fury of the poor. When Jesse Had Game: Some see him as a discredited relic of the past, but he was once a young firebrand who inspired a generation. A review of Defining Art, Creating the Canon: Artistic Value in an Era of Doubt by Paul Crowther. Is Takashi Murakami Japan's Andy Warhol—or its Walt Disney? The introduction to Reluctant Crusaders: Power, Culture, and Change in American Grand Strategy by Colin Dueck. The introduction to Cunning by Don Herzog. The literary world seems hormone-driven — no clinical studies have been conducted, but informal research has turned up the following exchange. Jeff Greenfield on why the Democrats won't have a brokered convention. Thomas Schaller on how to survive a Colbert interview. How the West was changed: An article on the degradation of the townspeople after World War II in the American Western. Richard Dawkins on Gods and earthlings: The "science of intelligent design" is science fiction. Chalmers Johnson on why it’s time to flee the country. Rupert Murdoch is launching an old-fashioned newspaper war against The New York Times — not since William Randolph Hearst took on Joseph Pulitzer have we seen such a fight. Abolish all "taxes": Stop saying “taxes” and start calling them “dues”, which is a term rooted in social obligation and duty.