
What’s the big idea

From Critical Mass, Mark Athitakis on the state of alt - weeklies. The road to Wikipedia: A review of Reinventing Knowledge: From Alexandria to the Internet by Ian McNeely and Lisa Wolverton. From THES, Encyclopaedia Idiotica: Wikipedia is created mostly by teenage male computer nerds, so Martin Cohen worries about its growing clout among scholars; a manifesto to discard elitism: A review of Uses of Literature by Rita Felsk; a review of Punctuation: Art, Politics and Play by Jennifer DeVere Brody. From CQ, now, just where are those Clintonites who won’t vote for Obama? David Greenberg on why the Democrats should fix the nominating system. Rogue State: Jonathan Chait the case against Delaware. From Boston Review, Elaine Scarry on presidential crimes: Moving on is not an option. More and more and more on Vincent Bugliosi's The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. Robert Solow reviews Bad Money by Kevin Phillips. From Dissent, a review of The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker by Steven Greenhouse (and more and more) and Love the Work, Hate the Job: Why America’s Best Workers Are Unhappier Than Ever by David Kusnet; and is "The Wire" too cynical? The End of the End of the End of History? The conflict between Russia and Georgia was a turning point of some kind; Scott McLemee wonders what’s the big idea.