
Intellectuals as castrators of meaning

The first issue of Strategies of Critique is out. From Left Curve, An interview with Steven Ford Brown on what academia doesn't want you to know about the creative writing industry. Intellectuals as castrators of meaning: An interview with Rene Girard. From BBC Magazine, things aren't what they used to be, and thank goodness for that; and towns and cities are designed primarily for men, not women — so what's the difference? From New Matilda, a man drought is a tricky problem, because the solutions we apply to other types of drought don't apply. From Lost, a look back at the losers of American presidential elections. Cass Sunstein on how Obama's views aren't easy to characterize, so stop trying already. Michael Kinsley on how Sarah Palin made the GOP change its mind about presidential qualifications. More on Grand New Party by Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam. Offered perpetually to the Congress, would the so-called Christian Amendment really achieve its objectives? Of all moral issues, war is perhaps the most difficult, and most important; what would a specifically libertarian response to this issue be? From Prospect, African states have arbitrary borders and unsuitable systems of "winner-takes-all" electoral democracy — it is time to develop an African form of democracy; and bullfighting is seen by many as cruel, but can aesthetics justify the suffering of the animal?