
In virtue of being human

From the Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy, John Gardner (Oxford): “Simply in Virtue of Being Human”: the Whos and Whys of Human Rights. A review of Giordano Bruno: Philosopher/Heretic by Ingrid Rowland. From Christian Today, here's a review of 10 books that screwed up the world. 2,126 "buts", and 55 "Reagans": Exploring the charms of "Speech Wars", a site that allows you to track the number of times the candidates have said certain words on the stump; Crashing Palinpalooza: How the Republicans' newest star is putting the "party" back in GOP; and Leon Wieseltier on the Sarah Palin Farce: Now is not the time for right-wing screwball. Jacques-Alain Miller on Sarah Palin: Operation "Castration". Lipstick on a Wing Nut: Katha Pollitt has questions for Sarah Palin. From Foreign Policy, here's 20 questions to ask Sarah Palin; and here's a list of McCain’s 10 worst ideas. From the Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law, a review essay on law and biology. Dante Moore, the author of The Re-Education of the Female, has a simple piece of advice: Do as men say (and more). From the Journal of Evolutionary Philosophy, more on The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. Jennifer Egan reviews Other Lives by Andre Brink. From IHE, are we entering a C.P. Snow world of "two cultures"? From Harper's, the perfect game: Five years with the master of Pac-Man.