
A job description for politicians

From First Things, Robert George on making business moral; Richard John Neuhaus on the deadly convenience of Christianity without culture; wresting with an angel: A review of Jewish Philosophy as a Guide to Life: Rosenzweig, Buber, Levinas, Wittgenstein by Hilary Putnam; a review of Justice: Rights and Wrongs by Nicholas Wolterstorff; and ain’t nothing but a meanness in this world. The Forward 50 celebrates leadership, creativity, impact; it also reminds us how far we still have to go to truly repair the world. Why license marriage? Richard Epstein has libertarian thoughts on Proposition 8. Uneasy about alcohol: An article on America and the booze question. From Scientific American, an article on the X chromosome and the case against monogamy. From New English Review, an article on literature's most misunderstood novel; a funny thing happened on the way to the twenty-first century; and if we had to write a job description for politicians, with all the qualities that we require of them, what would we put? A stratigraphic analysis of desk debris: If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, then what is an empty desk a sign of? From IRB, a review of Not Much Left: The Fate of Liberalism in America by Tom Waldman; and Econ 101 Redux: Still dizzy from wondering why the world economy crashed? Into the realm of insanity: When mooning is a sex crime.