
It’s good to be king

From Mute, with Mastaneh Shah-Shuja's recent book Zones of Proletarian Development, the anti-capitalist movement has finally found its political theorist; and how can the economy's need to wipe out a mountain of fictitious value be squared with its need to maintain social control?A review of Nationalism in the New World by Don H. Doyle and Marco Antonio Pamplona. How birthrate is turning modern conventional warfare on its head: An excerpt from The War Nerd by Gary Brecher. An interview with Louis Fisher, author of The Constitution and 9/11. An interview with Susan Wise Bauer, author of The Art of the Public Grovel: Sexual Sin & Public Confession. Pulp Friction: A private equity firm’s decision to shut down a profitable paper mill devastates a Wisconsin community. A review of Deployed: How Reservists Bear the Burden of Iraq by Michael Craig Musheno and Susan M. Ross. From The Chronicle, Gregory Pence on how to be happy in academe. From IHE, history beyond the nation-state: An article on "transnational" history. Capitalism's demise?: An interview with Immanuel Wallerstein. Stephanie Klein, author of Moose: A Memoir of Fat Camp, goes on a rant about japs. As the philosopher Mel Brooks once remarked, it’s good to be king — but does being king make you good? An article on Hesiod versus Aristotle on generational wealth.