
U is for the big unknown

From Monthly Review, Samir Amin on "market economy" or oligopoly-finance capitalism. From Dissent, the only way to mitigate the effects of the recession will be a massive, expansionary fiscal policy. From Hoover Digest, Gary Becker on the free market’s trial by fire: What happens in the coming year will shape how the world regards competitiveness, privatization, and international free trade and markets; should the United States stamp out threats abroad even when other nations refuse to act? Abraham D. Sofaer investigates; why the study of war is so fascinating — and so necessary: An interview with Victor Davis Hanson; and A is for African-American, Z is for zeitgeist and U is for the big unknown: Tunku Varadarajan on a political alphabet. A new black president and the deepening economic crisis are creating the |"visualaid"forwhitesupremacistrecruiting/| perfect storm for racist groups| intent on swelling their ranks. An excerpt from Privacy and Social Freedom by David Schoeman. From The Washington Monthly_, rethinking your opposition to nuclear power? Rethink again; does the reform of a small agency herald the return of competent government oversight? An article on the state of street art: Vandalism or legit, it's not going away. Medicine's Miracle Man: Maurice Hilleman's remarkable period of industrial scientific research yielded the most cost-effective medicines ever made.