
How to get back to normal

From Hoover Digest, what sustains the conservative agenda? What makes it distinctive and coherent? In a word, principle; the recent elections crowned a long-rising Democratic dominance — the pattern may hold or crumble; Michael Boskin on how to get back to normal; John Taylor on permanent tax cuts as the best stimulus (and more by Robert Barro); Philip Bobbitt on how an administration ends — the war on terror goes on; Fouad Ajami on how history may yet prove Samuel Huntington’s "clash of civilizations" right; what’s to become of "Chimerica"? Niall Ferguson investigates; and Robert Zelnick, who coached David Frost for his storied broadcast bout with Richard Nixon, shares his glimpse of "the unleashed Nixon". A review of Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life by Neil Strauss (and an interview and more and more and more). Rupert Murdoch calls Google, Yahoo copyright thieves — is he right? A look at the genius behind Google’s web browser (and a review of Planet Google: One Company’s Audacious Plan to Organize Everything We Know by Randall Stross at Bookforum). An article on the Googlization of small business: The great — and scary — prospect of relying on the search giant. A review of The Wikipedia Revolution: How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World’s Greatest Encyclopedia by Andrew Lih (and more).