
Covering each other in goo

From Education Next, Diane Ravitch and John E. Chubb on the future of No Child Left Behind. Is it harmful to dress up in overalls and run around the woods covering each other in goo? Southern Exposure: Republican strength in the South has both compensated for and masked the extent of the party's decline elsewhere. Compromised crime laboratories are a national scandal that can't be set straight until the labs are independent of law enforcement. A new study by three FBI officials suggests that cooperation —whether by witnesses or even other departments —is the key to closing more murder cases. People feel duped by Francis Bacon; such is our prejudice toward the scream (and more from Bookforum). From Seed, the recent sequencing of the bovine genome will dramatically transform more than just the cattle industry; and a global effort is underway to collect and cache the genetic resources contained in seeds (and more). In his revealing Merci Karl!, Arnaud Maillard describes his ex-boss Karl Lagerfeld as a diva of the international fashion scene. A review of When China Rules the World: The Rise of the Middle Kingdom and the End of the Western World by Martin Jacques (and more). From "Once upon a time" to "Happily ever after": Fairy-tale scholars explore the nuanced history of the genre.