
The crowd in your head

From The Wilson Quarterly, why are the Chinese such legendary savers? The answers shed light on why that habit is about to ­change. In search of the Swedish soul: What most defines Sweden — its welfare state, Lutheranism, sex or Pippi Longstocking? From Mohammad to Marx: Here's an intellectual history of Iran's Green Revolution. The digitisation of the oldest known Bible, the Codex Sinaiticus, could herald a library unparalleled in history (and more). History sneezed in 1969: For one weird, hot summer, events became a mad spasm in New York City. The Two P’s of Gender Inequality: Marci Hamilton on how laws against both prostitution and polygamy are underenforced to protect men and subjugate women. From Splice Today, how can you know if movie ratings and reviews are accurate enough? Make them even more quantifiable. A review of Psychotherapy and the Quest for Happiness by Emmy van Deurzen. You know more than you think: How to tap the wisdom of the crowd in your head. A review of Spent: Sex, Evolution, and Consumer Behavior by Geoffrey Miller (and more and more and more). It's the future, Jim, but not as we know it: George Jetson is (or will be) a liar. Why spy for Cuba? The 2001 trial of five Cubans caught spying in Florida might provide some insight into the case of Kendall and Gwendolyn Myers.