
The pain of strangers

From TED, Nina Jablonski breaks the illusion of skin color. From Minding the Campus, John McWhorter on what Black Studies can do. A review of The Browning of America and the Evasion of Social Justice by Ronald Sundstrom. Brian Gilmore reviews How Race Survived U.S. History: From Settlement and Slavery to the Obama Phenomenon by David Roediger and What Blood Won’t Tell: A History of Race on Trial in America by Ariela Gross. Does the stress of living in a white-dominated society make African Americans get sick and die younger than their white counterparts? Research suggests brains respond less strongly to the pain of strangers whose ethnicity is different. What’s wrong with ethnic profiling? From The Root, Editor-in-Chief Henry Louis Gates Jr. talks about his arrest and the outrage of racial profiling in America (and more); and what do you call a black man with a PhD? James Hannaham on the good news about the Henry Louis Gates fiasco. Richard Thompson Ford on why the arrest is about neither racial profiling nor playing the race card (and more). Why Gates is right — and we're not post-racial until he's wrong — but Gates forgot what black parents have always told their children (and more). Stanley Crouch on an outrageous case that shows that the old-boys network is color-blind.