
Such a hot topic

From Open Source, Ronald Prinn is talking about what was arguably the biggest little news story on earth so far this year. Sometimes, something kills nearly all life on the entire planet — but is there a regular cycle to this creation and destruction of Earth’s biodiversity? Speechless: An article on Dilbert creator Scott Adams' struggle to regain his voice. The Ultimate Obama Insider: Valerie Jarrett is one of the president’s most influential advisers — so what does she do, exactly? From TNR, the third Obama: What does Valerie Jarrett do? Michelle Cottle investigates; do progressives have any power over the Obama administration? Ed Kilgore wants to know; and make them pay: If we want to reform health care, we shouldn't be afraid to tax the rich. Fiscally conservative Democrats, not Republicans, are Obama's real obstacle on the road to healthcare reform. Are professional lobbyists loyal partisans? Gregory Koger and Jennifer Nicoll Victor find out. Stephen Walt on the Ten Commandments for ambitious policy wonks and on what Americans can learn from the British Empire. From The Faster Times, “Joe” the “Plumber” Has “Written” a “Book”. Who knew that the public library was such a hot topic? Joggers owe it all to one man who died a quarter of a century ago, Jim Fixx.