
Living with other species

Goodbye, Jumbo: An article on the identity crisis of the modern zoo. An article on the only zoos in the world where the animals are smuggled through tunnels. A review of The Wauchula Woods Accord: Toward a New Understanding of Animals by Charles Siebert. Unnatural selection: Animals have personalities, too — that may be biasing studies of them. When "what animals do" doesn’t seem to cover it: A precise definition of behavior? From Notre Dame Magazine, an essay on the natural goodness of dogs. From NPR, look at that puppy! But be careful what you say. Dogs in a deadly crossfire: Confronted by the family pet, police often shoot first and ask questions later. Kill, Baby, Kill: Sarah Palin’s war on wolves and bears has been a disaster not just for Alaska but for the moose and caribou it is supposed to benefit. There is a huge chasm between American citizens who feel good about living with other species and those who don't give a damn — why? A review of The Death of the Animal: A Dialogue. From Reason, an article on the shifting frontiers of animal rights: Activists yawn as animals lurch toward a hybrid future. How do we decide which animal genome to map next? New creatures in an age of extinctions: Newly discovered species continue to emerge as we bulldoze our way into the unknown.