
What the Arabs are saying

From BJWA, Aharon Klieman (Tel-Aviv): “Middle Easterner”: A Regionalism Denied; and Mahfoud Amara (Loughborough): The Muslim World in the Global Sporting Arena. From Middle East Quarterly, an article on Western Sahara and the self-determination debate. Libya's regime at 40: Colonel Gaddafi's domain, now opening to the world, is more protection-racket than modern state; and an embarrassing soap-opera of two presidential daughters in Egypt sums up the Arab predicament. Is anyone listening to what the Arabs are saying about Israel? From City Journal, Silicon Israel: How market capitalism saved the Jewish state; and a review of The Israel Test by George Gilder. Who watches the watchers?: An article on anti-democratic Israel advocacy. From Moment, the first part of a special series on Israel's Arab citizens: "From Arab to Palestinian Israeli". Surfing has spread across the globe but foundered in Gaza, despite attempts to launch a club behind the Israeli blockade. After travelling from the steamy chaos of Beirut to the streamlined gleam of Dubai, Salma Abdelnour finds herself wistfully looking back. A review of Dubai: The Story of the World’s Fastest City by Jim Krane. Off the deep end: Fast Company takes a look at the decline of Dubai (and more and more). Postcard from Sana'a: Is Yemen chewing itself to death?