
The robots are coming

From Popular Mechanics, Erik Sofge on the truth about robots and the uncanny valley. From backyard tinkering as a child, Rodney Brooks went on to revolutionise robotics, bringing robots to the homes of millions. One small step for robots: A Drexel lab has big plans for its little humanoid. Artificial intelligence: The robots are coming but are we ready for them? Robotics expert Noel Sharkey used to be a believer in artificial intelligence — so why does he now think that AI is a dangerous myth that could lead to a dystopian future of unintelligent, unfeeling robot carers and soldiers? The age of the killer robot isn't a sci-fi fantasy any more. From National Geographic, Josh Fischman on bi-on-ics. Qualitative experience in machines: An excerpt from William Lycan's The Digital Phoenix: How Computers are Changing Philosophy. When robots have feelings: If, as seems likely, we develop super-intelligent machines, their rights will need protection, too. An article on emotional robots: Will we love them or hate them? (and more) Cybersex in Swindon: There's no need to assume that as computers become more sentient they will adopt our baser desires. A review of Love and Sex with Robots by David Levy. Love means never having to say 404 Error: A new robot promises sex — and more (and more). Sexbots will give us longevity orgasm: When robots are half-human and humans are half-robot, love between us will be acceptable, but not until then. Memristor minds: An article on the future of artificial intelligence. Here’s a list the most compelling and uncanny robot, android, and cyborg-oriented novels, stories, and plays that were published in the decades immediately before SF’s so-called Golden Age.