
In the classroom

From Educational Researcher, a special issue on new perspectives on school safety and violence prevention; Robert M. Hauser (Wisconsin): Causes and Consequences of Cognitive Functioning Across the Life Course; and when history and race collide: Cinthia Salinas on examining American history in the classroom. Game theory: A New York City school explores the educational power of playing — and designing — games. More and more and more and more on The Death and Life of the Great American School System by Diane Ravitch. A review of Beauty and Education by Joe Winston Routledge. A review of Making the Grade: The Economic Evolution of American School Districts by William A. Fischel. Ron Mobed of Cengage Learning argues that digital tools and content turbocharge traditional education. The International Baccalaureate’s popularity is growing not least because it has an exam system that is recognised around the world. Psychologist Carol Dweck says students' mindsets, not their smarts, are key to their success. Too black for school: How race skews school discipline in Texas. From Education Review, a review of From a Nation at Risk to No Child Left Behind: National Education Goals and the Creation of Federal Education Policy by Maris Vinovskis; and a review of No Child Left Behind: Past, Present, and Future by William Hayes. Poor neighborhoods around the world embrace a surprising idea: incredibly low-priced private schools. From The New American, is homeschooling compatible with socialism and vice-versa? Apparently not. Learn this, America: Here is the Final Report of the Commission to Crush the Strains of Weakness, Socialism, and Unpatriotic Thought in our Schools.