
Economic indicators are lies

From Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, an interview with Debra Satz on ethics, economics, and markets; a review of Russell Hardin’s How Do You Know? The Economics of Ordinary Knowledge; and a review of Geoffrey M. Hodgson’s Darwinism and Economics. Primate Economics 101: A review of The Dismal Science: How Thinking Like an Economist Undermines Community by Stephen A. Marglin (and more). An excerpt from The Fearful Rise of Markets by John Authers. Make money by avoiding rules: A time-tested axiom of capitalism is that any financial regulation will be followed quickly by innovation that subverts it. It isn't all that simple to work out how many Americans are out of work (and more). Taking the measure: GDP, CPI, poverty rate — economic gauges don't measure what we think they do. The Rise and Fall of the G.D.P.: Economists and even governments now claim there might be better ways to take measure of a country’s wealth and happiness. Economist John Williams believes the government's major economic indicators are lies; most other economists think he's a crank — but then, most of them also thought the economy was healthy. Uncommonly clever indicators: Stock prices only tell you so much — for deeper insight follow the Champagne, taxi fares and old cellphones. A review of Julian Reiss’s Error in Economics: Towards a More Evidence-based Methodology. Sendhil Mullainathan uses the lens of behavioral economics to study a tricky set of social problems. New ideas about human nature throw into doubt many of the core assumptions of classical economic theory. An interview with Moshe Adler, author of Economics for the Rest of Us. A panel on How the Economy Works: Confidence, Crashes, and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies by Roger E. A. Farmer.