
Across the animal kingdom

From The Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law, Bernard E. Rollin (CSU): Animal Research, Animal Welfare, and the Three R’s; and Ernest Waintraub (Illinois): An Analysis of the Legal Classification of Animals: Toward a Step-wise Deconstruction of the Property Status of Animals. The Animal-Cruelty Syndrome: Connections are being drawn between animal abuse and other forms of violence. Can physicians who work on humans treat animals, too? An interview with Jane Goodall: "I'm not going to fight for animal rights". A review of Animalkind: What We Owe to Animals by Jean Kazez (and more). A mature posthuman ethics must be committed to the well being of all sentient life, and mature posthuman technology offers the means to deliver that commitment. Across the animal kingdom, the decision of whether or not to be faithful to a mate often comes down to Darwinian considerations. Habeas corpus for animals — why not? A review of Second Nature: The Inner Lives of Animals by Jonathan Balcombe. A review of The Philosophy of Animal Minds by Robert W. Lurz. Psychologists are exploring why some animals can use tools — and why humans can use them so well. Peter Singer reviews Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals. A review of Animal Lessons: How They Teach Us to Be Human by Kelly Oliver. The increasing "humanisation" of our pets: As spending on household animals soars, cats and dogs are receiving ever more extreme attention. From TED, John Kasaona on how poachers became caretakers. Because of environmental change, a growing number of endangered animals are mating with genetic cousins; should conservationists prevent wildlife from crossing the species divide — or protect offspring such as "grizzlars" and "bob-o-lynx"? The dedication to animal welfare unites Arab and American groups.