
To desire the ordinarily beautiful

From FT, a review of Beauty by Roger Scruton, Beauty Imagined: A History of the Global Beauty Industry by Geoffrey Jones, and Glamour: Women, History, Feminism by Carol Dyhouse. What's beautiful in the 21st century? Basing hiring decisions on a person’s looks is unfair — but should it be illegal? Too sexy for my bosses: Why lawsuits based on looks discrimination are a bad idea. More and more on The Beauty Bias: The Injustice of Appearance in Law and Life by Deborah Rhode. Why Elena Kagan's looks matter: The continuing bigotry of beauty in American society. A look at 5 damaging myths about beauty. How HDTV scrambles beauty standards: Maybe human skin wasn’t made to be represented in the points, dots and samples that make up a high-definition image. Off runway, Brazilian beauty goes beyond blond. From symmetry to smell to the dance floor groove, how evolution carves our ideas of sexy. From Psychology Today, an article on the plight of the pretty girl: Pretty people don't know what ugly is; and men are barraged with images of extraordinarily beautiful and unobtainable women in the media, making it difficult for them to desire the ordinarily beautiful. A review of Beauty and the Male Body in Byzantium: Perceptions and Representations in Art and Text by Myrto Hatzaki. When it's late in the evening, people get prettier; but it's not just beer goggles. How fast you can judge whether a person of the opposite sex is looking at you depends on how masculine or feminine they look. Can a Victoria's Secret shopping bag make you feel glamorous? Jenna Sauers on how Prada's austere individualism is powerfully attractive — that's why it sells. Naomi Wolf on the high cost of cheap fashion. "Plus sized" clothes: An article on translating the baffling euphemisms.