
Generosity is boundless

A new issue of the Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology is out. Ronald R. Garet (USC): To Secure the Blessings. From Policy Review, Henry Sokolski on the high and hidden costs of nuclear power: An industry hooked on subsidies from governments; and Justin Muzinich on the nuke in the cargo hold: A reconsideration of flag-state sovereignty. From Vanity Fair, Christopher Hitchens on the Topic of Cancer. From Archeology, an interview with Marc Van De Mieroop on a long-neglected cuneiform collection. A review of Brilliant: The Evolution of Artificial Light by Jane Brox (and more and more and more and more). Conference of Cool: The TED conferences are billed as a talking shop for the world’s most dynamic thinkers. From Dark Roasted Blend, a look at the world’s strongest drinks and strange liquor. You can download the full standard version of the book Speculations I. A review of The Animal: Prose Poetry by Louis Bourgeois. He made his fortune in Russia and then returned to live in his home village, he is rarely seen but his generosity is boundless — who is the secret Georgian billionaire? People spend lifetimes quietly amassing proud collections of clocks, beer steins, whatever — they die and those collections get dumped in antique shops. Every year is the year everything changed — we just haven’t written a book about each one, yet. Looking for a thrill on your next vacation? Here are seven resort destinations that are anything but tame.