
Marx is being taken seriously again

From New Left Project, an interview with Stuart White, author of Equality, on the philosophical foundations of the left. From New Left Review, Stuart Hall on the life and times of the first New Left. Eric Ruder examines what socialism is — and is not. From Renewal, Merlin Chowkwanyun on the crisis in thinking about the crisis. From New Politics, a special section on labor's response to the world economic crisis; and a review of Zombie Capitalism: Global Crisis and the Relevance of Marx by Chris Harmon. A search for the reasons for the economic meltdown has prompted a turn back to Marx; Laurie Taylor meets the “dialectical materialist” geographer David Harvey who, 40 years into his career, is suddenly being taken seriously. A sudden topicality: Peter Osborne on Marx, Nietzsche and the politics of crisis. From International Socialist Review, now that Marx is being taken seriously again, the mainstream media have gone on the attack; Ian Angus on Marx and Engels and Darwin: The essential connection between historical materialism and natural selection; what’s to be made of Lenin’s What Is To Be Done?; revolutionary betrayed: A review of Trotsky: A Biography by Robert Service; and Phil Gasper on the legacy of Stalinism: The fall of communism in Eastern Europe twenty years ago is not an argument against the possibility of genuine socialism. From Radical Philosophy, Boris Buden on the children of postcommunism.