
Text as laboratory

A new issue of Poets & Writers is out. Ilina Jakimovska and Dragan Jakimovski (St. Cyril and Methodius): Text as Laboratory: Science Fiction Literature as Anthropological Thought Experiment. Claire Haggett (Edinburgh): Risk and Responsibility at 30,000 Feet: Who is to Blame for "Economy Class Syndrome"? From Arcade, Andrew Goldstone on Twenty Nobel Lectures in Literature: What is world literature — as seen from Stockholm? (and part 2 and part 3) From Time, a look at the 50 Best Websites 2010. Sam Harris on his book The Moral Landscape: Thinking about human values in universal terms. Utopian Fiction: In the contemporary era, when literature seems increasingly disconnected from the real world, the books here offer a reminder that literature can, and perhaps should, seek to shape society. James McMeekin on the World's Top 10 Weird Towns: Mock Middle England, Battleship Island, and a town populated entirely by dwarves. The New Eunuchs: Why would a healthy normal man want to slice off his testicles? From Swans, Michael Barker introduces Roger Fisher, the leading promoter of the ruling class alternative dispute resolution mythology, who in 1979 founded the famous Harvard Negotiation Project. From Tikkun, an article on Christian Socialism as Tradition and Problem: Social Gospelers were dismissed for speaking an optimistic language of progress and social evolution, but they were more right than their opponents; Calvinism stimulated capitalism, science, democracy, and environmentalism but also, it has to be admitted, anti-Semitism; and a review of books on forgiveness