
The science of climate change

From The Atlantic Monthly, to environmentalists, clean coal is an insulting oxymoron, but because coal so dominates the world economy, any meaningful effort to arrest climate change will require using dirty coal in more-sustainable ways (and a response and a reply); and Freeman Dyson is one of the world's foremost global-warming skeptics — how could someone as smart be so wrong about the environment? Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) says we don't have to worry about the effects of global warming, because in the Bible God promises not to destroy the world again after Noah's flood. Tired of arguing with climate change deniers in 140 character quips, Nigel Leck wrote a script to do it for him. Climate scientists plan campaign against global-warming skeptics. Can social scientists ease the nation's rift over climate change? The science of climate change: An interview with climatologist Michael E. Mann. It's hard to finally give up the hope that the U.S. might do something sensible about climate change, but it is time for humanity to start thinking seriously about how we will cope with a climate very different than the one we became top-dog in. A review of The Climate Fix: What Scientists and Politicians Won’t Tell You About Global Warming by Roger Pielke Jr. Some policy experts are proposing a novel approach to curbing global warming: including greenhouse gases under the existing and highly successful Montreal Protocol, ratified more than 20 years ago. What should climate hawks do next? Fight for free birth control. Climate change won't end the world — just certain real estate markets. A review of Climate Change and Social Justice. A look at why climate change is a result of inequality. From Solutions, an article on the economics of 350. Global warming and anthropology: Melting glaciers yield evidence on new theories of Asian migration to the Americas.