
Errors will abound

A new issue of Triple Canopy is out. From the inaugural issue of Konturen, a special section on Political Theology and the Question of the Border, including Tracy McNulty (Cornell): The Gap in the Law and the Border-Breaching Function of the Exception; Peter U. Hohendahl (Cornell): Political Theology Revisited: Carl Schmitt's Postwar Assessment; and Leonard Feldman (Oregon): Schmitt, Locke, and the Limits of Liberalism. Is Canada’s use of “traditional ecological knowledge” in resource planning an environmental advance or just a political sop to native tribes? A review of Invasion of the Mind Snatchers: Television's Conquest of America in the Fifties by Eric Burns. Fantasy Politics: Is it time to awaken from the American dream? From TED, Eric Berlow on how complexity leads to simplicity. The Unstoppable Infomercial: Even an economic downturn can’t prevent these sometimes bizarre products from selling. In the first intercollegiate "muggle" Quidditch match Middlebury College slaughtered Princeton 100-0 — take that Princeton, you can’t be good at everything. Will birth control solve climate change? The Era of Error-Tolerant Computing: Errors will abound in future processors — and that's okay. There's little money to be made in actually curing people — the question is, should we give drug companies financial incentives to develop antibiotics? The scholar of revolution Alexander Rabinowitch in Berlin: "I'm not fomenting revolution, I'm studying it". Marcus Boon on his book In Praise of Copying. The introduction to Scripting Addiction: The Politics of Therapeutic Talk and American Sobriety by E. Summerson Carr. Dean Baker on why the economy's current problem has nothing to do with deficits. From The New Yorker, will New York’s mayor Michael Bloomberg run for President in 2012?