
Sense to fight global warming

Climate Change 101: A trio of articles re-cover some global warming basics (and more on the top 10 global warming denier arguments). The Obama administration sparks a renewed interest in climate change policy. Bill McKibben on why Obama and Cancun miss the point. Game Theory: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita says climate talks are destined to fail. Can we harness intellectual property institutions for the purpose of innovating to save the world from the worst climate change scenarios? John Bellamy Foster opens a debate on "degrowth", climate crisis and capitalism. Capitalism and the curse of energy efficiency: John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, and Richard York on the return of the Jevons Paradox. Throwing money at today's clean-energy technologies could keep us from discovering tomorrow's. An interview with David Goldstein, author of Invisible Energy: Strategies to Rescue the Economy and Save the Planet. Can social science combat climate change? Scientists remove some of the guesswork about how individuals will use energy in 2050 by looking at past campaigns to induce personal change and their effectiveness. An energy sixth sense to fight global warming: If we could see the energy we use we wouldn't be so wasteful — technology can help. An economy run on slave labour has much in common with one run on fossil fuels, argues Jean-Francois Mouhot — ending suffering means we all need to become modern-day abolitionists.