
Philosophy, science, the self and immortality

A review of Second Philosophy: A Naturalistic Method by Penelope Maddy. A review of Explaining the Cosmos: The Ionian Tradition of Scientific Philosophy by Daniel Graham. A review of Non-locality and Possible Worlds: A Counterfactual Perspective on Quantum Entanglement by Tomasz F. Bigaj. Quantum Computing, yes, no, or both? The past 60 years have seen a phenomenal growth in the power of information technology, with almost every aspect of our lives now reliant upon some form of micro-processor. 

Planets are popping up all over the galaxy, but, while we can detect them, tantalizing details are beyond our reach, and a look at the top 10 most intriguing extrasolar planets. Of Cosmic Rays and Dangerous Days: Long-term cycles in the sun's orbit may have influenced evolution on Earth. A review of The Edge of Evolution by Michael Behe. Monkeys seem to learn the same way humans do, a new research study indicates. Do chimps have culture? What can we learn from the fact that chimps can teach each other. A Very Singular Revolution: Research finds experimental evidence that supports a controversial theory of genetic conflict in the reproduction of those animals that support their developing offspring through a placenta. 

The Real Transformers: Researchers are programming robots to learn in humanlike ways and show humanlike traits. Could this be the beginning of robot consciousness — and of a better understanding of ourselves? A review of A History of Modern Experimental Psychology: From James and Wundt to Cognitive Science by George Mandler. A review of Self-Consciousness by Sebastian Rodl. A review of The Self Awakened: Pragmatism Unbound by Roberto Mangabeira Unger. A review of Self: Ancient and Modern Insights about Individuality, Life, and Death by Richard Sorabji. 

From Reason, would you give up your immortality to ensure the success of a posthuman world?; freezing or uploading: Which road to immortality would you choose?; more on lust, longevity, and FDA reform at the World Future Society Conference; and peace and prosperity through productivity: Can economic growth solve all the problems in the world? Eternity for Atheists: Is God necessary for immortality? Jim Holt investigates. An interview with Jeffrey J. Kripal, author of Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion. A review of Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia by John Gray. A review of Better Than Both: The Case for Pessimism by Peter Heinegg.