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From Boston Review, a New Democracy Forum on fixing Congress. From the inaugural issue of The White Review, an interview with Andre Schiffrin, author of Words and Money, on publishing. Just how enlightening is it to explain President Obama through his predecessors, as articles and magazine covers often do? The Century of Disasters: Meltdowns, floods, tornadoes, oil spills, grid crashes — why more and more things seem to be going wrong, and what we can do about it. A playwright’s progress: Andrew Ferguson on converting Mamet. Bin Laden is dead, but Pennsylvanian band leader Ben Laden lives on. The data are in regarding Satoshi Kanazawa: A hard look at last week's "objective attractiveness" analysis in Psychology Today. Here are 5 lessons learned from the Apocalypse Fail, or, it’s not the end of the world as we know it, and I feel so-so. Judicial review under review: Should the legal arguments over Obama's health care law force us to reconsider the role of the courts? The mythic allure of sexy conservatives: The son of Tea Party queen Michelle Bachmann is now a liberal sex object — why are we so into Republicans? Michele Bachmann’s head-banging, gay-bashing BFF: How the Minnesota lawmaker fell in with a controversial hair-metal evangelist. The last of Britain's military forces in Iraq pulled up anchor Sunday, ending more than eight years of fighting militants and training security forces since invading in 2003. They do it for free: An article on the inner lives of interns. After all the talk about amputating ears and public whippings, the Code of Hammurabi pauses to consider the plight of the intern. Avoiding the ignorant and corrupt: The challenge for people who do believe in regulation is to craft a system that works even when government is controlled by people who don’t.