
Collective scientific research

Peter Atkins discusses why he thinks science is the only way to make sense of the world. Tools of discovery: Where would science be without them? Meet Science: What is "peer review"? Neuroskeptic looks at the decline and fall of effects in science. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has led the world into the future for 150 years with scientific innovations — what makes the university such a fertile ground for brilliant ideas? Martin A. Schwartz on to the importance of stupidity in scientific research. Scientific reputations emerge in a collective manner, but does this guarantee that fame rests on merit? An article on why the scientific endeavour needs to deliver public value, not just research papers. Mapping the human genome showed how the internet can play a vital part in collective scientific research — now more scientists are collaborating and inviting amateurs and colleagues from other disciplines to get involved. Science writer in profile: Simon Singh. Eclectic, entertaining and educational: Paul Rogers the 21st century science beat. When Hollywood tackles science: How movies map scenarios from the frontiers of science. Who owns Einstein's face? Decades after the genius' death, the question of who controls his publicity rights continues — even his prodigious imagination could not predict the media world of the early 21st century. A review of The Philosophical Breakfast Club: Four Remarkable Friends Who Transformed Science and Changed the World by Laura J Snyder. What gender is science? Maria Charles on how gender equality crops up in surprising places. A review of Philosophy of Science after Feminism by Janet A. Kourany. From The Global Spiral, William Grassie on philosophy of science in the comedy club. An article on the curious world of zombie science.