
Political ideology and religion

From Radical Middle, Post-partisan: The first uniquely American political ideology is being born. The first chapter from Does American Democracy Still Work? by Alan Wolfe. A review of The Supreme Court Opinions of Clarence Thomas: 1991-2006: A Conservative’s Perspective by Henry Mark Holzer. David Gordon reviews The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution by Kevin R.C. Gutzman. A review of Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion by David Gelernter.

From Scientific American, an op-ed Rational Atheism: An open letter to Messrs. Dawkins, Dennett, Harris and Hitchens by Michael Shermer. A review of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. A review of Joseph's Bones: Understanding the Struggle Between God and Mankind in the Bible by Jerome Segal. A review of Is Belief in God Good, Bad or Irrelevant? A Professor and a Punk Rocker Discuss Science, Religion, Naturalism, and Christianity. The first chapter form After the Baby Boomers: How Twenty- and Thirty-Somethings Are Shaping the Future of American Religion by Robert Wuthnow.