
The world economy is on the edge of a precipice

Kwabena Boamah (SMC): The Collapse of Lehman Brothers: How it Happened. Rainer Masera (LUISS): Taking the Moral Hazard Out of Banking: The Next Fundamental Step in Financial Reform. Richard W. Painter (Minnesota): The Moral Responsibilities of Investment Bankers. Doc Zone, a documentary series produced by CBC Television, is now airing "Meltdown", a four part investigation into the great financial debacle of 2008. Darrell Duffie on his book How Big Banks Fail and What to Do about It. When will the walls of the central banks fall? Dean Baker on the cult of incompetent bankers. Sylvia Nasar on Keynes, Schumpeter and the great post-war mistake. The boom was the illusion: The world economy is on the edge of a precipice; the best we can hope for now is a managed retreat from the wilder shores of globalisation — the alternative is the collapse of the euro, protectionism and even war (and more) Nouriel Roubini on how to prevent a depression. Joseph Stiglitz on how to end the global recession: more public spending and financial reform. The Curious Capitalist on state capitalism vs the free market: Which performs better? The media likes to talk about markets as if they were just a force of nature — in fact, markets and their outcomes are largely shaped by political power. The capitalist network that runs the world: An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy. History’s missed moment: Why did the greatest failure of laissez-faire capitalism since the Great Depression lead to a turn to the right rather than the left in both Europe and the U.S.? The revolution of capitalism: Karl Marx may have been wrong about communism but he was right about much of capitalism.