
The province of the left

From Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies, a special virtual issue on the Anarchist Turn Symposium (with videos on Simon Critchley and Judith Butler); and a virtual post-anarchist roundtable: An interview with Jurgin Mumken, Anton Fernendaz de Rota, and Sureyyya Evren (and part 2). Daniel James Sanchez on anarcho-syndicalism, a recipe for ruin. A review of Anarchism and Its Aspirations by Cindy Milstein and Oppose and Propose! Lessons from Movement for a New Society by Andy Cates. A review of Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism by Michael Schmidt and Lucen van der Walt. Mike King on how not to theorize the alter-globalization movement. George Fish remembers Carl Oglesby, New Left intellectual. Are radical journals selling out? In a world in which capitalism is in crisis, the Left is moribund, activists are slick professionals and rebellion drives sales, Alastair Bonnett envisages a new type of dissident institution. Foucault and the revolutionary self-castration of the Left: Far from posing a counter-hegemonic challenge to the dominant powers in the world, Foucault’s armchair philosophy simply made resistance impossible. God, sex and the Left: An interview with Clive Hamilton (and part 2). Michael Kazin looks back at US leftist movements from abolitionism to Vietnam to see where OWS came from and what it can learn from the past (and more on Kazin). Snobs like us: When did cultural disdain become the province of the left? Rachel Maddow on why liberals are more coherent than conservatives. R.R. Reno on the cosmopolitan conservative: Has American liberalism lost its capacity to govern?