
The best tool for the job is an animal

Irus Braverman (SUNY-Buffalo): Zootopia: Utopia and Dystopia in the Zoological Garden. From the Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Corey Lee Wren (CSU): Resisting the Globalization of Speciesism: Vegan Abolitionism as a Site for Consumer-Based Social Change; Paul C. Gorski (GMU): Strategic Oppositionality to the Animal Rights “Antis”: Identity-Building and the United States Sportsmen’s Alliance; an interview with Josh Harper on animal rights history, welfarism and Star Wars; and a review of Muzzling a Movement: The Effects of Anti-terrorism Law, Money, and Politics on Animal Activism by Dara Lovitz. Marelene Zuk on the surprisingly gay world of insect sex. The most surreal insect on Earth: An article on the treehopper "helicopter", from the steamy jungles of your mind. The Cruelest Show on Earth: Bullhooks, whippings, electric shocks, three-day train rides without breaks — a yearlong investigation rips the big top off how Ringling Bros. treats its elephants. From the Annals of Improbable Research, a special issue on Animal Oddities is out. A cry for the tiger: We have the means to save the mightiest cat on Earth — but do we have the will? Military dolphins, medical maggots, pest-control falcons, and more: When the best tool for the job is an animal. Animal studies move from the lab to the lecture hall: Literature professors, sociologists, theologians and others who have studied humans and their doings are joining a growing, but still undefined, field. A look at 5 ridiculous animal myths that you probably believe.