
Global economics, Latin America and political media

From Foreign Policy, Robert Reich on How Capitalism is Killing Democracy. From The Economist, a review of Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang. A review of The Shock Doctrine: The Rise Of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein. The Wealth of Nations: Analysis of the connections among different types of economic activities explains why some countries succeed, and others fail, in diversifying their economies. "Occupy, resist, produce": Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis report on how Argentina's worker-run factories have nurtured a powerful social movement, while seamstress Matilda Adorno explains how a dispute over pay became a political struggle. 

From In These Times, an article on The Trial (And Errors) of Hugo Chavez. Crazy like a fox, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has strange ways and a purpose, too. A review of Hugo Chavez by Cristina Marcano and Alberto Barrera Tyszka and Hugo! by Bart Jones (and more). From Monthly Review, an essay on Venezuela as a good example of the bad Left of Latin America. A wannabe Chávez short of oil: Rafael Correa tries his own version of "21st century socialism".

From Vanity Fair, Going After Gore: For the first time, Gore and his family talk about the effect of the press attacks on his campaign—and about his future plans—to the author, who finds that many in the media are re-assessing their 2000 coverage. From National Journal, the '08 campaign beat is a never-ending soft-news story, punctuated now and then by tiny bursts of hard news. Does it seem like there's a new Republican scandal in the news every single week? Well, that may be because there is. The Most Feared Man on the Hill? For gay blogger Mike Rogers, Craig's resignation is just the latest on his list.