
The story in their own words

From Utopian Studies, a special issue on crafting and craftivism. From Surveillance and Society, Matthew P. Tiessen (Ryerson): Being Watched Watching Watchers Watch: Determining the Digitized Future While Profitably Modulating Preemption (at the Airport); and Daniel Trottier (Alberta): Mutual Transparency or Mundane Transgressions? Institutional Creeping on Facebook. To be fair, he is a journalist: A short response to Chris Hedges on the Black Bloc. A Congo gold scam involving several American businessmen goes horribly wrong. Do thrifty brains make better minds? Recent studies indicate that our brains may work like JPGS, conserving "bandwidth" and influencing how we see the world. The New Dealers: Family, kids, minivan and drug dealing — how the recession has driven average Americans into the game. Vanity Fair interviews dozens of people associated with Guantanamo — lawyers, soldiers, diplomats, former detainees — in order to tell the story in their own words. #HipsterStudies: Dave Paul Strohecker on some thoughts on hipsters (with comics!).