
How to fix the government

From the eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government, a special issue on open government and open information. Clay Johnson on how to fix the government (in 5 parts). Although Americans often talk about a need for smaller, more efficient government, in practice, we prefer a little inefficiency if it means we can help shape the policy. Robert Reich on how Big Government isn't the problem, big money is. Fixing Washington: Richard L. Hasen reviews recent books about lobbying, campaign finance, and the problems of Washington by Lawrence Lessig and Jack Abramoff. Lawrence Lessig on an open letter to the citizens against Citizens United: Overturning the decision wouldn't be enough to level the disproportionate influence of the wealthy on American politics — there's a deeper problem Congress needs to address. If you aren’t sure Citizens United gave rise to the super PACs, just follow the money. It’s not all money: Ezra Klein reviews Capitol Punishment: The Hard Truth About Washington Corruption from America’s Most Notorious Lobbyist by Jack Abramoff and Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress — and a Plan to Stop It by Lawrence Lessig (and more).