
The greatest generation

From Rabble, do today’s young people share a zeitgeist, a “spirit”? This is Generation Flux: Meet the pioneers of the new (and chaotic) frontier of business. Thirty more years if hell: The Boomers are ready for us to assert Millennial hegemony and put them out of their collective misery. What does it mean to be a grown-up? The Shrink and The Sage offer guidance on another modern dilemma. Adulthood, delayed: What has the recession done to Millennials? A review of Middle Age: A Natural History by David Bainbridge (and more). Homeward bound: An article on the rise of multigenerational and one-person households. The war against youth: The recession didn't gut the prospects of American young people — the Baby Boomers took care of that (and a response). Coming of age: Growing up, Leigh Stein found solace in these books, the same way she found solace in online communities — as a remedy for adolescent isolation. Are millennials the greatest generation or the most narcissistic? Popular books have argued that today's 20-somethings are more service-oriented than any generation since World War II, but new research suggests the opposite.