
The occasional parent

From The Atlantic Monthly, the data-driven parent: Will statistical analytics make for healthier, happier babies — or more-anxious adults? Imagine all the Sunday-in-the-park fun of being a father with none of the drudgery — that's what's leading more and more guys to donate sperm to friends and then play the occasional parent; it's an arrangement that can be rewarding for all involved — or an emotional time bomb. When the biological clock never ticks: How will society change when there is no time limit on motherhood? The newest salvos in the Mommy Wars, French edition: Sarah Blustain reviews The Conflict: How Modern Motherhood Undermines the Status of Women by Elisabeth Badinter and Bringing Up Bebe: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting by Pamela Druckerman. S/He: Parents of transgender children are faced with a difficult decision, and it’s one they have to make sooner than they ever imagined. Jennie Rothenberg Gritz on what everyone's missing in the attachment-parenting debate. Lesbian parenting is conservative star Mark Regnerus’s newest target. Adam Davidson on the best nanny money can buy.